Corporate Training

Dr. A. Doris Greenwood expertise is to elicit where and how your organization might lose time, money and especially momentum and efficiency. She is committed to close the gap between where you are and want to be through measuring the results along the way.

complementary evaluation

Who is it for?

  • Are your leaders shying away from communicating challenging messages?
  • Could your leaders create greater results through increased accountability, engagement and motivation?
  • Is ineffective customer service negatively affecting your bottom line?
  • Does poor communication cause you unnecessary stress and delays in your deliverables?

We offer solutions with Coaching and Training Programmes.
Conscious Solution Online Learning Module

our trainings

Conscious Solutions teaches through accelerated and inspiring learning styles utilizing visual, audio and tactile elements. 

Leadership Training

Presentation Excellence

Emotional Intelligence

Business Communication

Accountability & Efficiency Booster

Customer Service

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